Visiting the "Z" early February
Pastor Jim Ziervogel, a long-time missionary pastor & researcher of Chinese peoples, recently went to be with the Lord after a long battle with Parkinson's Disease

二月初探望“Z” Jim Ziervogel牧師曾長時間致力與華人的傳教與研究。在長期與帕金森綜合症作戰後,最近歸回主裏。
I love this photo. The love you and Andrew shown Pastor Z was an wonderful sight....Praise God!
I grew up with Pastor Z. I knew he had passed but to see this picture breaks my heart. Thank you for sharing with the world this incredible and loving servant of God.
Not sure who you are, Anonymous, but it was a real treat to spend a few visits before his passing. Indeed, he was a faithful older brother... such a great example to all of us. I was especially impressed by his perpetually smiling face... usually absent in Parkinson's Disease but clearly coming from an inner joy from Christ.
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