Monday, March 20, 2000

Zambia arrival

--- echzgo wrote:
> with "for Sidney Wu" in the 'SUBJECT' line
> Greetings, everybody! I wanted to let you know that
> I've arrived safely in Zambia and am now at the
> church (Evangelical Church of Zambia) headquarters
> in Lusaka (the capital of Zambia). Praise the
> Lord for His faithfulness! Tomorrow morning, I'll
> be riding along with the ECZ personnel director &
> his wife to Luampa, which is about 7-8 hours away by
> car. I hear that the road there is quite
> bumpy, and I believe it since the road from the
> airport to here was already quite "pot-holey!"
> Again and again I find myself praying, "God, am I
> really here? Am I really in Africa? What am I
> doing here?", but I haven't even started working
> yet! God has been reminding me that He will enable
> me to do what He has called me to do. So many
> memories from past experiences in Malaysia, Taiwan,
> Mexico, and China have come to mind already,
> particularly with regard to the way God has
> "stretched"
> me in the past. All of those memories have been
> dear and sweet. Certainly this will be quite a
> different experience, as I've been hearing that
> Luampa Hospital is "still the classic bush mission
> hospital" of the past. Also, as the medical
> superintendent is on furlough in "Gillsville"
> (Oregon),
> there are only 2 doctors working there in the 70+
> bed hospital, and one of them is supposed to go
> off-service since her children are returning from
> boarding school for a bit, which leaves the acting
> superintendent (a German-Belgian short-termer now
> the acting medical superintendent) and myself as
> the "doctor-types" (one real doctor and myself the
> quack-type) along with the ancillary
> nursing/physiotherapy staff. As I may have told you
> before I left, I am a bit anxious about the
> whole thing. I'm sure God will be merciful to me &
> let me start getting the hang of things in....
> say..... 2 months or so! (My time here is up in 2
> months. =) I've asked repeatedly that God would
> give me His heart of compassion, and also strength
> and wisdom to do His work. He has never ever
> been less than perfectly faithful, so I have Him to
> thank for that.
> "How may I pray for you, Sid?" Well, I'm so glad
> you asked! First, please pray for increased faith
> in the power of God to work in me (yes, me!) and
> through me. Pray for opportunities to share the
> Gospel and the sensitivity & wisdom to do so in a
> culturally acceptable manner. Pray for humility
> to say "I don't know" when I don't know something,
> and to work well under & with the staff at
> Luampa. Pray for diligence, strength, & efficiency
> that I would meet the needs God wants me to care
> for. You could pray for safety and health, too;
> it'd be nice to make it back for graduation
> although I'm not exactly looking forward to
> residency! =)
> I trust that each of you are doing well in the Lord.
> I've been using some of my extra time (eg:
> during the long trip here) to pray for each of you
> by name, either that God would bring you into a
> relationship with Himself, or cause that
> relationship to deepen. I've also been praying for
> specific needs as you've shared them with me.
> Please feel free to let me know (update me) how I
> may
> continue to pray for you. Remember, though, that
> although I'll have email (only as sent to
>, I'll probably only
> access it once a week since it's only expensively
> accessible by satellite phone. Also, as I'll
> probably write all my outgoing email first, then
> connect to the server to quickly send and receive
> mail, please don't be offended if I don't answer
> specific questions until up to 2 weeks after you
> wrote the question. Sorry!!!
> Yes, I am actually IN AFRICA! It's not a dream.
> May God do with this trip as He wills.
> Sincerely Yours, Sid ("Stephen" to Mom)
> ps: please feel free to forward this to whomever
> you think would be interested. I don't have all
> my email addresses handy.
> Again, just in case you missed it the 1st time:
> with "for Sidney Wu" in the 'SUBJECT' line

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