Monday, May 05, 2003

Sid's going to India, & he needs your help!

Happy Belated Easter to All!

Recently I’ve been reading & studying the Bible in more depth, as I’m currently co-teaching a study on the Old Testament at church. What amazes me is that God’s plan of love & reconciliation with humankind was thought up not yesterday, not 200 years ago, & not even 2000 years ago when Jesus came on the scene (though it was accomplished there at the cross). Our heavenly Fathers’ plan for saving you & me from our sin & separation from Him was planned & gradually unfolded ever since the very beginning!

It boggles my mind to see how every single part of the history -- from God’s dealings with Adam & Eve in Eden to Israel’s return from captivity in Babylon -- points to Jesus, the One who lived a perfect life (because you & I can’t) & died a horrible death (so we wouldn’t have to). It’s a plan no human could possibly manufacture on their own! And He didn’t stop there – He rose from the dead!

How great is His love for you & me!

This great news is what I’m hoping to live out & share this coming June when I go to serve as a pediatric resident at the Bangalore Baptist Hospital in India June 4-30. It’ll be my first time to that great country, & the more I think of it, the more excited & nervous I get!

Would you please join me in prayer to our awesome God for this important trip?

With Gratitude, Sidney Wu
May 5, 2003

India facts:
- Population: ~1 billion! (soon to surpass China!)
- Area: ~3 million square km (>1/3 the size of the United States)
- Languages: Hindi & English, plus a multitude of local tongues
- Religions: Hindu 80%, Muslim 14%, Christian 2.4%, Buddhist, <1%

- Literacy: 52% (male 66%, female 38%)

- Gross Domestic Product per capita: $1,800 (vs. United States $33,900)

Please pray for…

- enjoyment of perpetual closeness with God (my sinful tendencies tend to follow me wherever I travel)

- humility & sensitivity to this vastly different culture (I’ve never been to India before!)

- wisdom to pick up & use medical knowledge quickly (there’s a lot to learn!)

- camaraderie with colleagues in Bangalore

- travel safety & health

- guidance to know where God wants me in the future, and with which mission board

Please let me know how I may pray for you, too!

PO Box 541, Patton, CA 92369

[minus graphics, map]